News from the year 2005

New layout
Posted by Koen - Saturday, September 03, 2005 - 14:25 GMT+1

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Command & Conquer, I have made an all-new layout for You're looking at it right now, by the way.

10 Years of CnC

Please let me know if there are any broken links, images or other problems. I've gone to great lengths to make existing links redirect to new pages, but I can always miss one ;)


New layout being uploaded
Posted by Koen - Saturday, September 03, 2005 - 13:24 GMT+1

During the next few hours I will be upgrading the layout of the site. As a part of this process, the old copy of XCC Forum installed on this site will be removed, because it is now only used by spambots.
There should not be any problems with missing pages while I upload, the worst that can happen is that certain pages still show the old layout instead of the new one.


C&C 10th Anniversary starts tomorrow
Posted by Koen - Sunday, August 28, 2005 - 14:15 GMT+1

Tomorrow our network site is hosting the 10th anniversary of C&C event.
I was hoping to present a new layout for during the event... we'll just have to wait and see whether I can finish it in time.
Getting a new TibEd 2 release during the event will be very hard, but I'll keep you informed right here.


TibEd 2 status & vacation
Posted by Koen - Thursday, July 14, 2005 - 21:08 GMT+1

I'll be in Norway until July 31st. Now on with the interesting stuff: the last few months TibEd 2 has seen tremendous internal changes. Big parts have been rewritten and nearly everything has been changed in one way or another. A lot of things are currently broken in my development version (such as exporting BIG files, which is essential for a public release), but the code is just so much cleaner.
I need to fix all current functionality first before I can turn this into a beta 4 release (which will look no different than beta 3), but versions after that will get a really cool new feature. It's something for the modding experts, to make their life easier. No more details than that at this point :)


BFME patch 1.02
Posted by Koen - Sunday, April 24, 2005 - 23:37 GMT+1

This message is a rant and it does not really have a point.

Finally after many months the patch for BFME which addresses Asset.dat issues has been released. Or I should say: now I can remove this functionality from TibEd again, because EA provides a tool for it...
Editing The Battle for Middle Earth is really hard, and I am currently wondering how to make it easier. Obviously investing weeks in making a feature such as Asset.dat support does not really pay off, because it is only something for the advanced user and in retrospect it was pretty useless.

Another 'bad thing' in the EA updates to the game is that they include a new string file in every new patch. Now this effectively knocks out the current TibEd system where the string file is imported into your project, because you do not get the latest strings after a patch: TibEd first needs to be updated to import the strings file from the new location, which is troublesome, because then TibEd will only work with the latest patch, which not everyone might have, etc. Headache for me.

Should I make BFME Mod Launcher open source? I hinted at this in some forums, but it was not picked up by anyone.


TibEd 2 beta 3 distribution updated
Posted by Koen - Monday, March 28, 2005 - 14:43 GMT+1

I have updated the beta 3 distribution with updated Generals and Zero Hour editors to fix the crashbug when editing music tracks. The build (#77) remains the same so you can distinguish this version from the original by looking at the readme included.

TibEd 2 beta 3 changes how you clone objects
Posted by Koen - Saturday, February 05, 2005 - 23:44 GMT+1

Beta 3 has been online a while now, and for people switching over from the alpha version there is something they need to relearn as it has changed: Cloning things. In alpha 13 you would right-click on the item you would want to clone and get a pop-up menu. In beta 3, this works different. You have to go and edit the list of objects of interest, for example a list of upgrades as in the image below.
Then you select the item you want to clone and press the right button at the bottom of the screen. In tooltips the function of the button will be shown.

This new way of editing was needed because otherwise I had no place to put the "Add empty" button ;)
Also, you'll be pleased to know that you can now also remove items again, which wasn't possible in alpha 13.

Again, the full announcement of beta 3 is still pending as I haven't gotten around to it yet.


TibEd 2 beta 3
Posted by Koen - Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 23:29 GMT+1

TibEd 2 beta 3, with lots of enhancements and support for Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth is downloadable now.

A full announcement will follow soon.


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